This is the day Jesus faced from birth for us. He came to die for the sins of the world! That is a love we do not truly understand until we experience and understand His Grace! (Colossians 3:1-11) I have heard much argument from folks who feel equality is the answer. That same sex marriage is fine just because people are in love! Well Jesus died for us so we could die to self it is not just about feelings it is about sacrifice!
What I am saying here is this, Christians have gotten themselves in a battle against same sex marriage and equality. There are a number of reasons they have listed! God created marriage between a man and a women. They were created to pro-create and many more. All of these I agree with, I feel the Bible is very plain on the subject. But there is a bigger subject at hand, and that is the challenge from the other side, one that is valid!
Why are Christians more accepting of some sins than others? Why do we say some are alright and we work around them yet some are just plain not acceptable? My answer to that is, we as Christians are not living a completely sold out life for Christ. We compromise when we should just be calling sin, sin.
We have forgotten that we were changed, made new in Christ.
We are to put off the old man and put on the new. We have to remember we were sinners saved by His grace and not of ourselves it was an gift from God! (Ephesians 2:8-10), We are to be the shining light of change and not the dimming light of compromise when it suits us! We give the equality folks all the reasons in the world, why they do not need a Savior who can change them, when they see no real change in us!
If we truly seek what is above, and set our minds on Christ we will see that we need to change also! That does not mean we agree with them! That means we will need to call all sin, sin! We will need to step up and relight our candles as it were! We need to do some of our own house cleaning before cleaning others homes! When we do this and become genuine followers of Christ you will not have to do a thing!
People will be attracted to you as they were Jesus! Remember Jesus died for the sins of mankind not just a sin of mankind, to save them! If we truly want change for others they need to see change in us! Not just enough change to make us feel comfortable. But the change that Jesus made in us through a conversion we could not have done on our own!
We have been changed, we have been made new, and we have been reconciled to God by the blood of Jesus! The world needs to see more grateful hearts. Hearts that have a desire to see people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus the same as we! Having all our sins forgiven, not just one exceptional sin! Sin is sin and we need to be all inclusive when we are in discussions about sin! We need to use and live all the scriptures not just the ones that suit our claims!
We need always be ready to give an answer of the hope that is in us (I Peter 3:15) not be ready to attack in the name of Jesus! That gives everyone an excuse not to listen or take us serious! That gives the Devil more ways to trip them up to believe they are no worse then we because they see our short comings are not as serious as theirs! I am not for equality in Marriage and I do not agree with same sex marriage because someone just loves someone!
But what is more important pointing out their wrongs, or pointing them to Jesus, the Author and finisher of our faith? The time has come when we need to look to our own hearts.Go before God and get some cleansing ourselves,and ask God to show us what and how we need to live in this world to make a difference in at least one life! The Angels rejoice over one sinner who comes to repentance! We can only change the world one soul at a time.
In I Peter it tells us we are to suffer for doing right not for doing wrong! Right now the church, us, have been attacked in the same way we have attacked! We do not like it, it is not comfortable, and it does not feel good! What if we did it completely God's way, did it right, and became the light in the world that attracts people to God instead of deflect people from God! They will do that on their own they do not need our help!! When Christians sin it is sin we need to deal with that just as much without compromise!
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