Thursday, March 14, 2013

How are we reflecting today?

How we treat others is a true reflection of how we feel about ourselves. Remembering always that truth comes from within! We need to, at times, stop and take a look at how we act towards others. A time to deflect from them and reflect on ourselves. Doing this would certainly help us see, it may not always be someone else creating our problems and stresses or even joys!

One of the hardest things to admit to ourselves. One of the toughest is accepting the fact. It could be how I am portraying myself to them to them. If we act a certain way towards others, guess what? That is exactly, in most cases how they are going to respond right back! It brings back sayings like we reap exactly what we sow!

The impression we throw out to people by our actions gives them the perception of who we are! And that may not be the case at all! Everyone has a bad day or even just a bad moment. It is then we need to take the time to slow down and think through how we are going to act. Because it is exactly our actions toward others that draw a false picture of who we truly are!

If we indeed take the time to listen how we talk and respond towards others. It may wake us up to the fact, we are asking people to treat us the same way! When we expect people out there to treat us a certain way. We must first expect no less from ourselves! If we are rude, expect others to be rude. If we speak in certain tones, expect those tones to be returned.

 How we treat others is a true reflection of how we feel about ourselves. Remembering always that truth comes from within!  A bible verse comes to mind here always, treat others in the same way you would like to be treated. (Luke 6:31). How are we reflecting today?

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