Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Actions speak louder than words!

Being a great husband is more than bringing a paycheck home, it's the time you take with her when you get home! (I Peter 3:7). I have learned over the years, it is time taken that makes her feel special. Even if she seems like we are intruding on her space. That may be just saying, how far is he willing to go, just how important am I to him?

There are times when she needs her space, yet some of those times she definitely wants you there. When we as husbands, or even boyfriends, show we are willing to go to any length. We are willing to get out of ourselves, and sacrifice a bit. She becomes just a little more willing to sacrifice back. Why? Because as a husband, you have shown her she is worth going beyond the norm, treating her as well or even better than yourself!

I Peter 3:7- Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered. God takes our relationships seriously. He wants us to go beyond whats expected, but not without reward. If we honor and love our wives as He does, and love them like He loves us the rewards are endless!

Even when times may appear bad, you see light, because she knows you are together. Even when times are good, they seem better, because she knows you are both involved. It is all in how we care, how we show our love and commitment. It is the action we put to the words, it is the action by just doing, without having to be constantly reminded.

Always remember, if you are giving them the same time you do that special car, or motorcycle, or sporting event, they will be less apt to protest those things. When she is made to feel more important then those things we love, she very well could end up loving them with us. And if not she will be at the very least, supportive! This also applies to ministry, push your wife out of your ministry, you may just get pushed out!

Take some time to evaluate your relationship with her today! Does she seem contented with your life together, or does she seem a little more distant? Take the time to sit her down, and ask her, how she thinks you are doing as a husband? What could you do better? I know that sounds dangerous and scary, but if we truly love them, we will take their suggestions. Not as put downs or negatives, but as growthful, and enhancing.

The amazing thing you may find in doing this, is how much closer you will become. When she sees and hears how you want to do better, and with her help! That is love in action. That is putting feet to your words. This is being the husband God intended you to be, an example of Him. A willingness to lay your life down for her not by words alone, but by your actions toward her, as living proof!

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