Remember the time you take is yours do not feel guilty, it is a gift to be enjoyed! I feel that is always a struggle for some of us about how we use our time. We need to remember the time we have been given is a gift. Every moment we have is time we have been given to use.
Our time at work, our time at play, our time with friends and family is all a gift given to use we should never feel guilty about a gift. The very breathe we breath is a gift from God it is precious and should never be taken for granted. (Genesis 2:7). So we need to look at time in the same way a gift that should not be taken for granted. Time was given to us for a special purpose and not to make us feel guilty if we use some of it for ourselves!
There are moments when I feel the time I spend writing these blogs, is this time or words making any difference or even helping someone? Well what I have found was, it is helping me at the very least! Why Because I have found a gift and that gift is time to share with anyone who is willing to take some time to read these! If you do you have found some extra time wow! Another thing is my wife has been pushing me to take the time to write and I have fought it for so long because I just did not have the time!! Duh!!
Wow what a false perception I convinced myself with, as we all do, we talk ourselves out of the time to do something constructive because we feel guilty taking the time to enjoy! Now I know we have to work and that takes up most of our day yet what do we do with the rest of that time? We clog it up with all the stuff we feel we need to get done then feel guilty that we do not! That is not a good use of the gift of time.
There are times that is alright, what that does, is show us we really do have time and set some reasonable goals on how to use it so we can accomplish those things we also enjoy! Sometimes we need to just do it, as the slogan says! Does any of this make sense? I hope so we all need to slow down and get a handle on what has been given to us and to use it in a healthy way. Not allow it to control us to the point of a stress riddled life full of guilt that I could of, should of, and would of if I just had the time!
Remember the time you take is yours do not feel guilty, it is a gift to be enjoyed! I feel that is always a struggle for some of us about how we use our time. We need to remember the time we have been given is a gift. Every moment we have is time we have been given to use. Ecclesiastes chapter 3:1-8 tells us there is time for everything, it has been given to you do not feel guilty using it!
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