Monday, December 30, 2013

Do we say what we mean, or mean what we say?

Saying what we mean, and meaning what we say, can be so far apart in meaning if you know what I mean? A play on words is one thing, but when we say something are we really thinking it through? When we say something we feel is in jest, do others take it the same way? You know sometimes not. Some folks take what we are saying seriously, and most times they do!

When we speak and how we speak can make a big difference in how we are perceived. Do we match our words with how we live, how we act, how we reach out to others? Or are they just words to impress, and make us feel better about ourselves? A lot of questions here I know, yet do we take time and ask ourselves these before we speak, and do we really understand what we are saying?

When we say I love you for instance, what are we really saying? Are you saying I will give all for you, I will sacrifice all I have for you? Or are we just saying a word to appease or self satisfy, not truly understanding what we are saying at all? When we say and use certain words we need to use caution, not saying we always do it on purpose, sometimes we just need to slow down and make sure we mean what we say, and say what we mean.

Jesus said in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." NKJV

Do we take Jesus at His word here, does He mean what He is saying, many of us by faith say yes without a doubt! We live our lives based on the saving grace of Jesus Christ if not what hope would we have? If we take Jesus at His word and hold Him to it, why would we expect any less form ourselves? We need to be a people of our word. We need to mean what we say, and say what we mean to give a hope to a people who doubt!

There is not a book written by Christian Authors, no matter the title, that does not speak to this. Whether it is Max Lucado, Pat Williams, Chuck Swindoll, Charles Stanley, etc.. Whenever they write, this subject of the words we use, most always comes out! So this writing is nothing more than to remind us, if you are not able to act on your words, be more cautious of the words you use! Mean what you say by saying what you truly mean!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Alzheimer's does not have to mean loss!

As I was feeding my mom this morning, a thought occurred to me. Many people out there who are dealing with Alzheimer's, you are discouraged, feel like you have lost that one you have loved for so many years. Well we need to change our thinking! They may have forgotten who we are, but we still remember who they are! Moms, Dads, uncle's and aunt's, grandparents, they have not ceased to be who they are, they just don't remember, or are confused.

Though this is not easy for any of us, WE, need to make sure we remember who they are! Mom is still mom, Dad, dad, we need to savor every minute we have, yes it is work, it is hard, but they are so worth it! When we can come to this point, and not look upon this disease as loss, we gain! We appreciate life so much more and begin to live life more gratefully!

As it is with any disease, whether it be cancer, heart, or any other life threatening thing, we need to encourage, love and support! Selfishness should never enter the equation! It is not about your loss, it is about their quality of life, they so deserve it! When I look at my mom, yes I see where she is, but the memories of her smile, especially this time of year, Christmas was her favorite.

It helps me to strive harder than ever to make Christmas a wonder memory of a life lived, not one lost! So if you have a loved one with Alzheimer's, cancer, heart conditions, etc., young or old, help them live life to the fullest! And when they go home, continue to live their life to the fullest, keeping their memory as a treasure, so we can also live our lives to the fullest!

We deserve a time to mourn, this is healthy, we also deserve the time to live, this is healthy also! Share the memories, the joys, that move us forward, not the losses that rob us of life and steal those precious memories and keep us from living! My mom is my mom no matter what, God gave her to me, I will not let Alzheimer's steal that, she is precious in His sight and should no less be in mine!

John 11:21-27
New International Version (NIV)

21 “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.”

23 Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”

24 Martha answered, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

27 “Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”

My Christmas Prayer!

My Christmas prayer for those who are sad, lonely, struggling with the loss of a loved one, if it were in my power, oh how I would take your pain! Yet I cannot, there is One though who can and will if you would just come to Him and ask!

Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for you souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Come to the One, who this time of year is about, and watch the change in how you view, sadness, loneliness, loss, and watch what you gain in having a relationship with Jesus Christ! MERRY CHRISTMAS

Monday, December 16, 2013

What would they say if they could?

If we could ask those who have passed on before us, how we should live our lives, I would think 99% of them would tell us, please don't miss me, be alive, because you are. Don't take you life to the grave, it was my time and not yours, live! Don't give up on life because I am not there, live! If all I have left you in your memories is loss and sorrow I have failed you, live!

I would hope my life on earth was happy, and you would remember my smile,  live! I would want you to remember, how I enjoyed this time of year and always made it special, live! My not being there in body does not mean I am not there in memory, live! Laughing should not stop, building on the memories I have left should remain, live!

Our memories should not be wrapped around how we have lost our loved ones, but what we have gained from their memories to carry on and live! We are alive, we need to live like we are. We have been given a gift and that is life, what we do with it now will make a difference when we are gone. How would you like to be remembered, as a person who brightened up a room, or one who walked in  brought the house down with your sorrows?

Mary and Martha did just that when they had lost their brother Lazarus. When Jesus finally arrived on the scene after their brother had passed, they were sorrowful because they only looked at it as loss. Jesus reminded them that death is not the end, life does not end at the grave, it begins! He reminded them that they need to live because of their relationship with Him.

Because in Jesus is life everlasting. Jesus reminded them that their brother was fine and he would rise again. He helped them understand, that knowing Him is what makes the difference if you live or die to life! Jesus said "I Am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this? John 11:25-27

What would their brother Lazarus have said if he had the chance after he had passed? He would have told his sisters to live. Remember my life when I was with you, we laughed, joked, and had Jesus as our friend, if you do anything keep my memories alive, just live!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

What words we use?

The biggest problem I see for those struggling with this time of year, are the so many people agreeing that you should struggle because it's that time of year! We should not be reminded that this Christmas season is when so many people struggle! They constantly need the reminder of how precious they are, and what a wonderful gift they are to us and all those around them!

We should always be speaking something encouraging to them, instead we bring up the fact, this time of year is the most difficult for many. Though that may be true, why can't we turn it around, why can't we just use different words? Why can't we share the most difficult time we have had, and how we got through it! Let's get those stories out there instead of always sharing discouraging stories?

We need to see and hear the stories of how someone worked through suicide and got victory! How someone lost a loved one this time of year and how they take the memories and make this time even more special? This time of year, Christmas, is a time we should be hopeful, peaceful, joyous, loving, a time to just share not only the tragedy in our lives but also how we worked through it.

Though I know there are many out there who view this time of year with sadness, we need to point them away from sad, and use that as a tool to reach the opposite, joy! Reminders that this is a time depression increases, suicide is up, etc.. We cannot always make it ok for people to stay where they are in their lives, staying the way they are is not healthy.

We need to let them know more than their depression, there is a way of escape and it's not reminding them of the suicide rate!! Let's come up with stats on survival rates, with the percentages of recovery rates, the percentages of people who have been restored to a place where Christmas has become special again! We have all the negative numbers out how about some research on positive numbers?

I have not been able to easily find any, so I am sure if someone who is struggling is having the same difficulty! People need to see a way out of despair, discouragement, depression, etc.. There are those who have found victory and we need more of those stories. Not the constant reminder of how negative this time of year is for many!

There is hope, lets share that, let's share Christmas in a different light, let us use more words such a special, worth, importance, value, love, compassion, life, people out there need to know they are a gift to themselves and others!  When you hear someone talking about suicide, don't worry what to say, just take time and listen! If they are depressed, take time to listen! If they have suffered loss, take time and listen!

People are not asking for you to feel sorry for them, they are crying out for someone who will not only fix them, but one who will walk with them and listen! People so need to know they are worth it, and they still have purpose!

Proverbs 18:21

English Standard Version (ESV)
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
    and those who love it will eat its fruits.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Wisdom comes to mind!

Wisdom comes to mind after yesterday's snow fiasco. People did not use much wisdom and concern for others on the road, thinking only of themselves and them getting home. Causing only chaos and many unnecessary delays for others, I take this as a lesson and understanding of God's word and the need for true wisdom and being considerate to others.

 I am not perfect, and there was a time I would have been irate and losing my mind with people acting so badly. Yet all Karen and I could do yesterday, as we were stranded on I 495 in Wilmington Delaware for an hour or so, was pray for the safety of others. I was wondering as I prayed, is it really that hard to slow down and be wise and considerate.

 Have we become a people who just plain do not care for our own safety and the safety of those around us? Is it just bad weather that does this to people, or does it just take bad weather for people's true colors to come out? I wonder how many were Christians out there, not happy because they were inconvenienced. 

How many were in just a big hurry as everyone, not being considerate, only thinking of themselves? I feel, we need to think about this as we move forward during the Christmas season, and the time we have here on this earth. What is more important, that we got home on time, or did they see Jesus in my life by my actions? 

Many, or none will read this yet if you do; do not think that your actions yesterday or any day for that fact go unseen or unnoticed. Our Lord sees always. And you never know who did see you and may even recognize you when they visit your church, or see you at a Christian event! 

They may even see you at a secular event, no matter, never feel you have not been seen when your wisdom goes on vacation! Remember if you made it home you gave a sigh of relief. But if your lack of wisdom, and concern for others caused them to be delayed, or even hurt or damaged their car. 

You need to, right now, stop and evaluate your relationship with the Father, and get back on the track, and maybe even try and contact that person and ask for forgiveness! What a testimony of wisdom that would be, and the Father would get the glory!

Proverbs 1:7 
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Romans 12:3 For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Responsibility, whose job?

You being responsible is not someone else's responsibility, you make a choice own it, make no excuse for it! 

Proverbs 4:26-27, Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your feet away from evil.

It is clear that where we choose to walk in our lives is our decision alone, and no one else's. The problem we run into is this, we just plain do not want to take responsibility for our actions. We most always have someone or something to blame for our ill choice's. Well that is not how it works.

As the writer of Proverbs says, we need to ponder the path we walk. That means we need to think our choice's through, and take a little more time before we decide. The funny part here is this, we do swerve don't we? We know the decision we are about to make is not going to turn out as well as we would like, but we make it!

We are warned not to swerve to the right or left, if we do we are bound to hit the curb! When we do it knocks our life a little out of alignment as it would our car if we hit the curb with it. The amazing thing is this, when we take our car to the mechanic and he fixes the problem and hands us the bill, wow!

We want to yell at him as if it was his fault because we are having to pay for our inattentiveness. When we choose a path other than the one we should be on, there is always a payment that has to be made. If we cannot make the payment than we need to stop and think it through a little harder.

We have to always remember, we are the ones responsible for our choice's and no one else, no one can make us responsible. It is only when we heed to the warnings, proceed with caution, asking God for guidance along the way. Yes we have a free choice, but are we willing to pay the bill that goes along with that freedom? The choice and responsibilty are yours alone.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Am I thankful only because?

Am I thankful only because I am reminded it's that time of year, or am I just plain thankful? Psalm 95:1-2
To me Thanksgiving is a time to remind us how blessed we truly are. Does stop with this time of year, or is it a jump start in reminding us throughout the year? I have learned over the years, just being thankful is not enough to carry me through the year.

What do you mean you say? Well thank you for asking that question. What I mean here is just this, you cannot genuinely be thankful if you are not contented. You have to learn to be grateful for your circumstances as well as your possessions. Not hungering for more, but maybe, just maybe, being content with what you have.

I as many others have tried to find happiness and thankfulness in what we want and not what we already have. I have learned over the years, that thankfulness and contentment go hand and hand. You cannot have one without the other. Oh you can be thankful and not be contented, but it is usually short lived. As well as being contentment with out being thankful will not last.

Thanksgiving comes once a year, a time that reminds us what and who we are thankful for. But why does it end as soon as black Friday? We are not joining Thanksgiving with contentment. That soon we forget how thankful we are and get caught up again in a world that more is better, and things bring us joy. But how soon does that happiness and contentment fade? As soon as the newness wears off!

But life goes on, and we soon forget that everyday we are given, is a gift we should be thankful for and find contentment in. When you learn that being thankful and contentment brings true satisfaction, it is then that Thanksgiving has it's deepest and lasting meaning. It is then that everyday we are given we are thankful, we have come to a place in our lives we are grateful.

Psalm  95:1-2, Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

To see or not to see does it matter?

It is so great to see and hear about answered prayer, yet what if we don't? Is God not answering prayer, is He not hearing us? Yes He is, we may not see it or hear about it, but He is doing it! Faith trusts God's word even if we do not see any results, faith just knows!

In the book of Daniel there is a wonderful example of this faith. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were challenged to bow down and worship the kings statue, if they did not they would die. Their response, Our God will deliver us, but even if He does not, we still will not bow down to the kings statue!

They just had faith, no matter what the results, God was in control! If we go on sight alone we will certainly be disappointed. It is not always in what we can see, it is about the faith in what we do not!

Daniel 3:16-18, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzer, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand O king. But if not, let it be know to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up."

Even if they did not see physical results from God, they had no doubts at all that God was God. They had seen enough in the past, they needed no more proof  that God existed. They just knew, they had an unwavering faith God had them in the palm of His hand. If God delivered them great, but even if He did not great!

They had nothing to lose and everything to gain, if they lived God was God, if they died God was God. They would either spend more time with Him in the present, or spend the rest of their time in His presence! Wow, a win win no matter what, that is how faith works for a believer! We cannot not lose, we live with Him here, or we live with Him in His presence in glory for an eternity!

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gratitude or just an attitude?

When you wake up thanking God for the day, you will lay down at night thanking God for the day!

Psalm 145:2, "Everyday I will bless You and praise Your name forever and ever."

What a statement to make, everyday I will praise God I will lift up my voice forever and ever. What a great way to start each day, with a attitude of gratitude. King David, even with his mistakes, knew he could not get through a day not having fellowship with God. How many of us out there, try and do it on our own, and wonder why we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It's all about who you are, and what you are grateful for. Now I know no one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. Yet if we start each day just thanking God for what we have, whether a good day or not, our day will seem so much better. King David knew this and practiced this philosophy. He had enemies, even in his own house, yet he found a way to give God praise, why?

David knew where his true joy would come from. It was never in how a day was going, but how his relationship with God was going. You see David did what we do at times, we get complacent and lazy. We leave God out of our activities and forget the great things He has done for us. We forget, and when we get into trouble we are reminded where and to whom we need to return.

David reminds us in the Psalms, it is all in how we start our day, and with who we start it with. We can wake up and be grateful and thankful. Or we can wake up condemning, criticizing and complaining! Wonder which choice would zap our strength more, praise, or the complaint? How about us today, attitude of gratitude, or just an attitude? A day is what we allow God to make it, or us to break it!

Praise God in the storm and watch the sun shine through regardless of the clouds of life.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

To make a difference be the difference!

I can only make a difference, if I am willing to make the difference! Matthew 20:27-28

To make a real difference in anyone's life, we may have to take a back seat to them. That does not mean we are less important, that just means we know where our importance lye's. When we come to understand what Christ meant about servant leadership. We come to understand the importance of others first! 

That is where true difference comes, and making a difference will happen, and not until then. We stand to gain so much more putting others before ourselves, yet we miss the point. We feel at times we are going without, or have already given all we have to give. That just means we are doing it for all the wrong reasons.

When we want to make a difference, and we truly understand, when we take a step out of the way.Then and only then will a difference be made. Why? Because we are doing it out of a grateful heart, a heart for God. Being confident that God has met our needs in every way, and He love us so much, we cannot help but reach out to others. Why would we want any less for them?

Sometimes we need to become less to become more, that is how we make a difference in the lives around us. Jesus came to seek and save the lost, not with grandstanding, but with humility. He could have very well been the show, but he chose to take a back stage approach to reaching others. He chose to be a slave to others, a servant willing to sacrifice all, so others could have more!

Jesus did not force feed anyone, on the contrary, he did just the opposite. He taught the Disciples the true meaning of leadership and how they could make a genuine difference in the world. He told them you cannot do it like the world does it and be different. You have to be different than the world to truly make a difference.

Jesus said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give His life a ransom for many." Matthew 20:25-28 

Monday, October 28, 2013

It's the little things you do!

It's the little things you do, they never see, that warms their hearts, and blesses your life! Matthew 6:3

People say it's not the size of the gift that matters, it's the thought behind it. That is so true, especially when you give a gift they do not expect or know where it came from. Those gifts are the ones that warm a heart more than words can say. They are the small things that come at just the right time, just when a person needs them most.

Though only mentioned once in scripture, Phoebe was commended by the Apostle Paul for the little things she always did for others. She served them, she waited on them, she gave of herself to make sure their needs were covered. Paul so appreciated it, and God wanted her mentioned, not because she was giant in the church, but for all the little things she did for anyone. (Romans 16:1-2)

Phoebe did the little things that made an big impact in people lives, and she was commended for that. She did these things not for credit, and the, "hey, look what I have done!" No! She did all she did, because of what she had gained through her relationship with Jesus! She lived out being a servant, as Jesus described many times. A good leader is a better servant! (John 13:1-17)

Next time you feel like you need to do something big, do something small, and without notice and watch how big of an impact it makes. At just the right time, and just the right place, you will have made a difference in someones life. And you know something? It will make just as big of impact in your own, God promises that. He does not want fireworks going off and getting praises from people. He wants to bless you in a greater way!

Matthew 6:3-4, "But when you do your charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly."

Friday, October 18, 2013

Right standing or still stumbling?

One thing I have to always remember, I have become the righteousness of God, only through the sacrifice of Jesus. II Corinthians 5:21

To be in right standing with God, you have to have a relationship with Jesus. It was by His sacrifice on Calvary, the shedding of His blood for us, that we have gained access to God! We have been made righteous by the blood of Christ, only if we have accepted Him as Lord and Savior! That is something you cannot pretend to do, or think you have. It is a relationship you are confident you have!

I have been doing a series, Functioning is the midst of dysfunction for the past few weeks. We have been following the life of a man named Joseph. When you have a right relationship with God you can face life head on! Joseph had such a relationship. If you know anything about Joseph, he had less than a perfect life. No matter what the circumstance he seemed to always hit a wall or a snag in life somehow.

But Joseph never wondered, never turned to the world to seek answers to all his problems. He managed to maintain his integrity. He stood strong in the face of adversity when most would have fallen on their faces in defeat. He knew where he stood, and he knew without a doubt who stood with him. The God of righteousness. He knew he served a God who would never leave nor forsake him. He was never alone.

In reading, teaching, and relating Joseph's life to ours, I found that God today is no different. He loves us as much, He is with us through our trials and challenges, God is there! He will never leave us nor forsake us, He is always there, not when life is only good, but in the fiery trials times also. As Joseph needed faith in God to stand righteous, we are no different, for us to be victorious in this life we have to have a right relationship.

God paved the way to that relationship when He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for us. So we would be able again to have a right relationship with the Father. To be put in right standing with God through the shed blood of Jesus to cleanse our sins. We are struggling in two ways here. One, if we do not know the Lord as Savior, we have no relationship. Two, if we are struggling in our Christian life we have no relationship.

Both are very simple to fix, so simple that people are struggling everyday to get to a place of repentance. A confession of sins are needed in both areas. One to get saved and be released form the bondage of sin forgiveness for all you had done, past life. Two to get set from sin that keeps you from a right relationship with God, a cleansing that takes place, present life.

The first is the prayer of salvation, Romans 10:9-13, the second the prayer of confession, I John 1:9, both will set you free and put you in the relationship God wants with you. How about you? Are you in right standing with God, or still stumbling around in life?

II Corinthians 5:21, "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My eye doctor has heaven vision!

An eye doctor with heaven vision, rejoicing even when life, has handed him a reason to turn a blind eye!    

Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice."

When Paul wrote that verse he was not in the best situation in his life, all was certainly, not going well. He was in prison because of his love for Jesus, for sharing the gospel and going against the grain. Yet as he wrote the letter to the Philippians he found reason to rejoice, even in the midst of a not so perfect situation.

The reason? He never got caught up in his situation, he was caught up in a relationship. A relationship that kept his focus off what was going on around him. He saw what was going on in him and above him. We find that hard to do since all we tend to see is just that, only what we see. What about what we cannot see at times? God's hand working, even in the midst of our trials and turmoil. 

God is always there, He promised us He would never leave us or forsake us. Even when we think, and wonder where is God right now? In this struggle I am going through, in this sickness I am dealing with, all the unfairness in the world, where is God? Right there, right beside you every moment of everyday, He is there. When we see Him the least, that is when He is with us the most!

My eye Doctor is one such person, he has been dealing with cancer. He has had good reports, and has just received a not so good report. He has had answered prayer, and now it seems like the direction has changed. Has God not answered the prayers of family and friends? Yes! He has and will continue, it may not be the answer we are looking for, but He is answering.

When I was with Steven the other day, his smile lit up the exam room as we shared and talked about what Jesus was doing. How, though the news was not what was expected, his concerns were not for himself but for those loved ones in his family. He has been an encouragement even in the midst of the trials he is going through. Steven has heaven vision, a 20/20 vision of hope seeing beyond his situation.

If Steven can be rejoicing in his trials, why can't we? Why can't we rejoice in our prayers instead of being discouraged in our prayers? Why can't we see God's hand in all this? We are looking horizontally, we have taken ours eyes off the healer, and put them on only what we can see. I am not saying that we will not have days of discouragement; but even in the times of discouragement we can have joy. 

A day without joy? Sure we can have them if we so choose. Why not choose to have something better? Yes we can choose, we can rejoice always in the Lord no matter what, or choose to be disappointed. We can choose to set our eyes on our situation, or set them on the One who is in every situation. We can have a Paul and a Steven kinda of life in Christ with victory, or settle for what we can only see!

Why not get some heaven vision, a 20/20 look beyond what we can see, through our trials and tribulations. To a hope, that can only be found in knowing Jesus Christ as Savoir. Call out to Him today ask Him to be Lord of your life, to set you free from the fear of the unknown. From the bondage of sin that grips you and keeps you from seeing truth. No better eye exam than HEAVEN VISION!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Loyalty to others or your integrity before God?

If your integrity is on the line, your only option is, never let go of that line!

Proverbs 19:1 "Better is the poor who walks in his integrity than one who is perverse in his lips, and is a fool."

I love the quote, "Loyalty above all else except honor." In the movie Striking distance, Bruce Willis is a police officer who has to wrestle between the love family, or maintaining his integrity! With that choice it became very costly and hurtful to him, yet he maintained his honor! He took the risk of loosing family relationships and a job he absolutely loved, to do right!

Sometimes we are faced with the same choices in life, choosing family, job promotion, friendships, over ourselves. Over what we know is right, and then left alone to deal with the consequences of our choice. We always need to remember, we have to live with ourselves much more than anyone else! Our honor should never be put on the auction block, or pressured to believe that anything is more important!

Joseph was a man who had a family who hated him, sold him into slavery, got a great job only to lose it to the false accusation of rape. Thrown into prison only to be forgotten for two years, yet maintained the most important quality he had been given, integrity! It was more important to him, that he lived his life before God with honor, than how he pleased those around him. Genesis 37-50

Job another man who suffered  though he had lived a life before God, with integrity and dedication. Yet suffered the loss of all he owned, his family, his livelihood and even his health! Though we would look at the lives of these men as being treated unfair, these men maintained their integrity above all else. Before loyalty, before family, before position, why? Because it was more important to them how God felt toward them!

Joseph said to Potiphar's tempestuous wife, as she came at him daily to sleep with her, "how can I do this wickedness and sin before God?" Job, "As long as my breathe is in me, and the breathe of God in my nostrils, my lips will not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit. Far be it from me that I should say you are right; till I die I will not put away my integrity from me." Genesis 39:9, Job 27:3-5, NKJV

No matter what comes your way! No matter what you lose! No matter the division in family or loss of friends! Nothing can come before your relationship with God and your integrity, "loyalty above all else except honor!"

Friday, October 11, 2013

Pastor are you just punching a clock?

Being a Pastor is such a blessing and a gift, it goes so far beyond the pulpit, which some are stuck behind! Ephesians 4:11-12

There are some Pastors out there who feel their calling has them stuck behind the pulpit, and that is where they are comfortable. That is a shame because, ministry and our calling go far beyond just preaching and bringing a message Sunday morning. We have been given this gift, yes gift, to train and disciple the church, Christ's body.

Ephesians 4:11-13,"And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelist, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work or the ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ," ESV

Though we may have helpers, we are still responsible to oversee the growth of the body, to know what is going on. If the leadership is on solid ground, rooted in the word, they will make sure we are involved one way or the other. We cannot do it all but we are responsible for it all, the whole body which we have been given the honor to pastor (shepherd).

The body of Christ is in such a disarray because the  pastor's are confused to what they were called to do. Part of that problem is some are not called to ministry, they are looking at what they do as a job. Sad, because it is a gift from God, a calling to build up and bring to unity the body of Christ. If seen only as a job, a pastor never gets any farther in the church, but behind the pulpit.

The word clearly describe the positions and who gave them, it is never about popularity and the amount of degrees one has! Not taking away from education, but that should never take precedence over ministry, training and discipling, but in addition to. Education is just a perk we can have, it is not the calling or gift we have been given. God never sees the degree hanging on the wall He sees the heart.

If a pastor cannot do anything outside of the pulpit, if he cannot see beyond the stage, or get beyond and touch the people and love them as Jesus. Good chance they were not called but took a job! Because the numbers are growing never means the people are think about that. God gave these gifts to equip, train, disciple the church for ministry.

Pastor's are to see to it this is being done and not just passing this responsibility onto a small group, or Sunday school teachers. God holds us accountable, He has made us responsible, if we truly have been called our love for the body will permeate from the stage to the people. They will feel this because their pastor has left his security behind the pulpit and has personally touched their lives.

When a pastor has no time for his flock, he is just punching a clock and doing his time. That is not a pastor! That is not a shepherd! That is not someone who has a gift or has been called to bring unity to the body. Jesus touched lives, people could feel His love no matter the size of the crowd. Do they know us more by our voice or by our touch? There is a difference!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Too smart maybe?

Never be so smart that you feel you don't need what others, with less knowledge need! If we are truly wanting to learn, we can learn at any level, even when we think we have heard it before! If you have knowledge it is your responsibility to use it to disciple others in the word of God! Matthew 28:19-20. Never, never, think you have arrived! I think there are too many Christians out there that feel they have the know it all syndrome!!

We cannot disciple and train if we are too smart to do so. if we will not come along side those who need to learn we are wasting knowledge! Knowledge shared is knowledge gained, knowledge kept, is knowledge lost! Sometimes we have to do the uncomfortable, step out of ourselves and do the remedial! Guess what? We have what we have because someone took the time to use their knowledge and pass it down to us.

Why do we think we should not do the same? The answer, selfishness and laziness!  Sometimes we are to smart for our own good, sometimes we need to take a step back and remember what Paul said, "For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them." I Cor. 9:19. Are we better than anyone, are we missing opportunities because we are outsmarting ourselves?

Are we servant to everyone to win more to Jesus? The reason we do not have a stronger church, more soldiers for Jesus, we are not training them! We make more excuses why we cannot do something, than stepping up and giving back what others gave to us! I have seen, even with myself, people giving me the credit for what I do. I try and remind them if it were not Christ, I would not be who I am!

Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. NIV

Now I understand, we can exhort and build up, but we can also get too much of that! If people are not proclaiming what Jesus is doing in and through us also, it can also be a dangerous place to be! We never want to get so much of the credit we forget where, and from \our knowledge comes! People today need to see more Jesus and less us!

Jesus said, "I am the vine; and you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5 ESV

Maybe we are too smart for our own good, if we are too smart for the good of others!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Our life gift or not?

If you looked at life as a gift, you would be excited to open it daily! Acts 3:8

The lame man at the gate called beautiful, was carried to the temple daily to beg for his needs. People just walked by ignoring him, much as we do today. But Peter and John the Apostles, had something to offer the lame man could have never expected, a gift he felt he would never see. The Apostles at that moment saw the opportunity to share what they had been given just a short time back.

It would be a gift that the lame man would be so excited about. He would want all around him to know it. His life would change, he would be different, new. What would we do if we were given such a gift? Would we hide it away, out it in a closet to collect dust? Or would we look at life as a gift? Would we be like the lame man and want the world to see and share in this change?

Peter told the man, "look at us," and they fixed their eyes on one another. The lame man never expected, never thought in his wildest dreams what would happen next. Peter, with a confidence and boldness like no other, said just a couple words that would change this man forever. Silver and gold we do not have, but what we do have is this one thing, and Jesus through us wants you to have it.

"Rise up and walk!" were the only words the man would hear. When this man looked deep in the eyes of Peter, he knew something was about to happen! He had never seen, or heard such confidence in all the time he was laid at the Temple of God! Just people passing by taking care of their own needs, having nothing to offer except maybe a sneer, or a get away from me, go get a job!

Yes even today, as we look on those less fortunate than ourselves, we forget what God has given us. The gift He has bestowed on us so undeserving! We forget how grateful we were to have our lives restored, to have a second chance to make a difference. How excited we were at the gift we had received, we so soon forget! We just pass by looking away hoping we are, at he very least invisible, so we have to give nothing.

The lame man at the gate called beautiful, gave life at the Temple new meaning. When he had been given the opportunity to walk again, he wanted all around him to know! He leaped up and went into the Temple loudly praising, God so all could hear. Everyone who saw him knew, it was the lowly beggar who would get in their way. Now proclaiming God's glory, sharing this new found gift of life with jumping and praising!

How about us? When we get up in the morning, how do we see our lives? Are we still begging for something to happen? Have we forgotten that in our sin we were lame and God healed, us set us free? Or do we get up leaping and rejoicing in the gift of life we have been given, wanting all to see, wanting all to hear what Jesus has done for us?

Acts 3:8-10, And leaping up he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God, and recognized him as the one who sat at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, asking for alms. And they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.

Our life gift or not?

If you looked at life as a gift, you would be excited to open it daily! Acts 3:8

The lame man at the gate called beautiful, was carried to the temple daily to beg for his needs. People just walked by ignoring him, much as we do today. But Peter and John the Apostles, had something to offer the lame man could have never expected, a gift he felt he would never see. The Apostles at that moment saw the opportunity to share what they had been given just a short time back.

It would be a gift that the lame man would be so excited about. He would want all around him to know it. His life would change, he would be different, new. What would we do if we were given such a gift? Would we hide it away, out it in a closet to collect dust? Or would we look at life as a gift? Would we be like the lame man and want the world to see and share in this change?

Peter told the man, "look at us," and they fixed their eyes on one another. The lame man never expected, never thought in his wildest dreams what would happen next. Peter, with a confidence and boldness like no other, said just a couple words that would change this man forever. Silver and gold we do not have, but what we do have is this one thing, and Jesus through us wants you to have it.

"Rise up and walk!" were the only words the man would hear. When this man looked deep in the eyes of Peter, he knew something was about to happen! He had never seen, or heard such confidence in all the time he was laid at the Temple of God! Just people passing by taking care of their own needs, having nothing to offer except maybe a sneer, or a get away from me, go get a job!

Yes even today, as we look on those less fortunate than ourselves, we forget what God has given us. The gift He has bestowed on us so undeserving! We forget how grateful we were to have our lives restored, to have a second chance to make a difference. How excited we were at the gift we had received, we so soon forget! We just pass by looking away hoping we are, at he very least invisible, so we have to give nothing.

The lame man at the gate called beautiful, gave life at the Temple new meaning. When he had been given the opportunity to walk again, he wanted all around him to know! He leaped up and went into the Temple loudly praising, God so all could hear. Everyone who saw him knew, it was the lowly beggar who would get in their way. Now proclaiming God's glory, sharing this new found gift of life with jumping and praising!

How about us? When we get up in the morning, how do we see our lives? Are we still begging for something to happen? Have we forgotten that in our sin we were lame and God healed, us set us free? Or do we get up leaping and rejoicing in the gift of life we have been given, wanting all to see, wanting all to hear what Jesus has done for us?

Acts 3:8-10, And leaping up he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God, and recognized him as the one who sat at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, asking for alms. And they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Life is a grocery store full of temptation!

Life is like going into a grocery store, you start out with a budget, and come out with more than we bargained for! I Corinthians 10:13

Life does have many choices, a tremendous amount of products to choose from. As we enter the grocery store of life, we have been given a budget, a shopping list to go by. On our list is love, trust, right, wrong, sharing, caring, selflessness, humility, hope and extra measure of joy.  But somehow as we walk the aisles of life we are distracting with the many other delicacies we pass by.

Temptation, lust, dishonesty, hate, bitterness, selfishness, pride, anger, discontentment, jealousy, and oh of course some Oreo cookies for that sweet tooth. We go into life's store with the best intentions, yet come out with more than we ever bargained for. Did we lose our list? did we not look closely to what we could afford, what our budget could truly handle?

No, we always enter with the right attitude, and then something happens. Something that takes our focus away from the budget. Something that entices us away from what our budget says we can truly afford, temptation! That quick we lose sight of the budget, we start grabbing those things that have no benefit, things that can only, temporally satisfy!

We come out looking in our cart and begin shaking our head and asking the questions. How did I go in with a list, a budget, a plan, and come out with all this added stuff I do not really need? What happened, I was so organized, I was bound and determined not to exceed what I could not truly afford? The answer, temptation. It sneaks up on you if you are not better prepared.

If you are not humble, or focused on the One who prepared the budget, and you decide you know what's best, and you deserve more. Temptation has you. It's won, you gave into it's desires and it has cost you more than you have to give. Is there a way out? Can I get this debt off my back and get back to the budget I began with? Yes you can, you are not alone.

First know this, God gave His Son to pay your debt. If you do not know Him, you can today. Call to Him, ask him to be Lord of your life. Ask Him to please take those things off your list that you cannot pay for. To lift the burden of debt and set you free! To put you on His budget list with the cost He has taken care of!

If you know Him already as Lord, come to Him. Confess to Him you got off budget, you strayed from the list and you need to get your check book back in balance and your account restored. Remembering that God has made a way to defeat temptation and it's enticements.

"No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." I Corinthians 10:13

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Does your day wreak of beauty?

Today just wreaks of beauty, trying to figure out why!! WAIT, it is because you all are in it!! God loves you so much, you need to also!! If your relationship with yourself is not working, check your relationship with Him! Proverbs 14:26

"In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and His children will have a refuge."

You may think how does this apply to me? Well it does the fear, or reverence of the Lord makes a big difference in our relationships. When we are at discord with God, it stands to reason we will be at discord with ourselves and others. When we set our sights on God and what He has for us, we have a confidence that is unstoppable and unwavering.

We feel safe because we are in His care and in His refuge, a safe haven a place we can think and stay focused on Him! When we come to that place God uses us in so many ways, this is not exclusively for any one denomination. This is for the believer who has put his, or her, whole confidence in what God says and does!

So when you are struggling with your day, your confidence is weak. Stop, take a look at who your are in a relationship with. If the one you are in isn't working, turn your heart toward home. Ask God to turn things around, and be willing to turn. You are precious in His sight and He loves you so very much, and has so much for you.

Don't miss out on the beauty of a day because you cannot see beyond yourself!  

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Resist Every Stressful Thought!

Resist anything that keeps you from resting! Every time you give in to stress you never rest!
Stressful thinking only makes you fall short of rest! Thought life is the key to rest! Matthew 11:28

You know, we can write about resting in the Lord all day long! Yet putting it into practice is puts another spin to it. We struggle here because, simply put, we still want things our own way! Yes we ask the Lord for rest and comfort, yet in all reality, we want it on our terms. And wondering all the time why we cannot find that rest we so desperately need!

Jesus said, "Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." ESV

First Jesus invites us to come to Him. Do we really come before Him with the expectation or the confidence He will provide what He is offering? Next, do we truly believe, He understands we need rest from our burdens? And finally that He will give us exactly what we need, the rest we so desperately seek? 

All we are asked to do is come, the rest is all up to Jesus to provide what He is offering to provide, rest! We have a faith choice, or lack of faith choice here. When we come to Him, what are we really coming to Him for? Are we saying, Jesus lift my burdens, yet deep inside not truly trusting that He will come through?

All Jesus asked us to do is come! Come before Him with a need He understands. A need He wants to fulfill in our lives so we can completely serve Him with peace and freedom. But the problem we run into is us, ourselves, we ask for something without surrender. Without complete faith in Jesus to provide something without our help. We cannot be pleasing to Him if we cannot completely trust in Him! Hebrews 11:6

When we come, He wants us to come before Him boldly and trusting, with complete surrender. He wants us to come before Him to be relieved from the stresses and pressures of life. He wants us to  come before Him, and give all of us to Him and find rest! To give Him every stressful thought we may have, and find complete rest!

It is not just the stresses from a hard days work, it is all of life's stresses that come at us; He wants to carry. We need to do the hardest and most important part, COME! Without reservation, without doubt, with out our wanting to help, just come. It is with a broken and contrite heart, that Jesus can do more with us, then we can ever imagine.

Psalm 51:17-"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise." ESV
Hebrews 4:16-"Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." ESV


Monday, September 30, 2013

Stress or success how does your day begin?

Two ways you will start the day, today, stressful or successful! Which do you think will help you accomplish more? Psalm 139:14

If we could just start our day focused on the One who created our day, how much differently would our day go? We may never know, if we never start. It's all in the kind of relationship we have with Jesus. We can get stuck on circumstances, what we can see, or our faith will grow, in the hope of what we cannot see. Just because a situation looks and even feels bad, does not make it so.

Most times it just comes back to us, how we are feeling, or how we are perceiving what a day may bring. The funny thing is, we do not have any control over what the day brings, but we do in how we perceive it! One thing we always have is ourselves, our perception of us can dictate how the day will go. It will either begin stressful or successful.

If we could stop for a moment, before we journey out the door, and thank God for who we are. Not already deem the day a failure because of what we think may happen or take place. We can let our feelings control the outcome of the day. Or we can enter it with victory, because of Who we have been created in the image of???

How about you? Are you joining the many people out there who hate Mondays, most are even not sure Why. Or, are you willing to stop take a look at you and set your sights back where they need to be. On the One who made you better than all that? Can we stop and just be grateful that God has given us a new day, instead of just another Monday?

Our day needs to begin as the Psalmist day began. With a heart of gratitude, a life with something to offer instead of a life with false expectations. Can we take our eyes off of us and put them back on God and just say thank You? I believe if we can come to this kind of relationship again, if we can ask God to change our thinking, we would have more stress to success stories.

How about you? What is your excuse today? Who are you in the stronger relationship with, the world and yourself, which can bring discouragement and disappointment, or are you willing to refocus your life and turn it back to the One who wants to lift your burdens and set you free? How do you feel about yourself right now, are you just existing, or have you been created for something more wonderful?

Psalm 139:14, "I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows very well. ESV

How is your day beginning, same as everyone else? Or have you set your sights far beyond what you can only see? God has made you better than that. He has wonderfully made you, to rise above the stress and achieve that wonderful gift of success.

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Stress or success, how will your day begin? It's all up to you!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Surrendered or needing too?

When you say to God, Thy will be done and not mine, what are you really saying? Matthew 26:39, 42

As Jesus was facing the cross, He was facing it with much anguish. Even knowing that was why He came, He was just showing His humanity! He portrayed a son going to have a discussion of the upcoming event, an event that would take His life! Who better to spend this time of decision with, than the Father? To share His heart and His feelings, yet knowing what the answer would be.

Jesus said, "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."
Again Jesus said, "O My Father, if this cup cannot pass away from me unless I drink it, Your will be done."

Twice Jesus said, no matter what Father Your will be done. When we come before the Father with our trials and tribulations, what do we truly mean when we say those words? Are we really giving all to the Father, knowing the answer already? Or are we just saying words because we still want to be in control? When we say Your will be done, are we saying? As long as it goes with what I want to do Father all will be fine?

Well that is not what Jesus was saying at all, what He said in essence was, I know what I am feeling Dad, but I know this is what You sent me for! I, as well as many Christians out their use the term Thy will be done, but do we really mean it? Are we willing to trust the Father? Are we truly trusting in His plan for us? We cannot use those words lightly and expect major results, if we are not completely surrendered!

When Jesus used the words, Your will be done, He was saying, Father I completely surrender! I am in no way turning back, I want to do it Your way because I know You are in control. When we can come to this point, not just saying words, but believing with our whole heart, without doubting. We have become truly surrendered. If we say the words and do not mean them, we are telling God we have a trust issue!

If you are struggling today, right now, or have been for a time. We need to ask ourselves, is this truly Gods will for me, or have I gotten in the way again? Can we come to the place in our walk with Him, that we can just say by faith, "not as I will, but as You will." Leave it at that and move on? It is only then, that we will feel the freedom of surrender overwhelm us, and the feeling finely, of His peace to sustain us!

Pray this prayer, Father I come before You humbled, I come before You confessing I have done it long enough by my will. Father forgive me for getting in the way, help me to be grateful for all I go through for it is a lesson of life refined by fire. And when I emerge from the flames I will be right where You wanted me all along, and feel the peace of being in Your will! Amen