Friday, May 17, 2013

Always something better to do!

When you think you have nothing better to do, you need to think, because there is always something better you could be doing (Jame 1:27). When we get in this thinking mode, we need to start looking beyond ourselves and to others. Usually we are stuck with the idea, it cannot get any better, well it can if we look harder. When we think we have nothing better to offer, we won't!

Our thinking gets hung up here, when it does, it is time to get out of ourselves and focus on life around us. James tells us, Pure and undefiled  religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. Wow, just when we thought we could do nothing better, God gives us something to do.

We can always find something better to do, it's all around us, even in our own families! We sometimes get so busy doing what we think God wants us to do, we miss golden opportunities right in front of us. When we get too busy to stop and share Jesus, in a loving, time giving way, we are too busy. We get worn down and our power seems to drain. That is why the thinking, nothing better to do.

On our own, that is true, yet when we seek the power of the Holy Spirit, when we are strong in the Lord and the power of His might (Eph. 6:10) there is nothing we cannot do. It does get better because we are seeking to do the true will of God. We do not get stuck in thinking there is nothing better to do, because the precious time with God is showing us different.

When we think there is nothing better, stop, spend time in fellowship with God. Ask Him what it is He would have you do, be still, be quiet, know He is God. HE will show you there is always something better, exciting, and powerful you can be doing for Him. You will have the energy, wisdom, and compassion you need to reach out to those with no hope. Focus on Jesus and you will always have something better to do

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