Our life is just like a car tire, when it wobbles we get a little stressed, when all it may need is a little balance! Yet if ignored, can cause a worn out life, facing an unnecessary blow out (I Peter 1:13)! What we have to do many times is go to the garage for a little repair. The problem we run into though, we feel it is not that big a deal, and hope it will work itself out!
What happens usually is a bigger and more costly problem, leaving us wishing we had dealt with it sooner! Causing us to scramble looking around for the best way to handle the situation. This is when we need to stop and reevaluate the whole picture, we need to clear our minds and refocus. We need to get back to the repairman of our lives, Jesus!
Once we have gotten our thoughts together, get some control back, and refocused on our relationship with Jesus, we can get a plan of repair. We can stop stressing, and get to work on the wobble no matter how bad it has gotten. We can get our lives back on the road and smoothed out, and experiencing God's grace once more.
I Peter 1:13 says, Therefore gird up the loins of you mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. We have so much more to look forward to, than to get caught up with wobbles! Even if the wobbles of life get neglected and become to big for us to handle, God wants them. He does not want us distracted with the cares of this world.
He knows that it is hard to come to the garage. He knows that there are times we let things get out of hand. Yet, He is there waiting patiently for us, wanting our repairs wanting us to give them to His Son Jesus, who took our place in the repair line! We need at times to be reminded of this. So when the tires of our life begin to wobble, we come directly to Him.
His garage, the church, a place we can bring that wobbly tire of life for balancing. A place we can be reminded of His unfailing love and grace. A place where we can leave that wobble at His throne of grace, and leave with some balance of mercy, and help, and peace of mind, that will help us down that road of life and keep us between the lines.
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