Thursday, April 3, 2014

Leadership is not just telling!

Leadership is not only telling the way, but most importantly it is showing the way! I think even Jesus could have gotten bored doing the same things over again and again. Yet the most important to Him was, for people to get it. He always went over and over things with His disciples, discouraging maybe, necessary absolutely!

The Apostle Paul even wrote in Philippians 3:1, "Finally my brothers rejoice in the Lord. For me to write the same things to you is not tedious, but for you it is safe." We learn from repetition, we need to hear things more than once for them to stick. C. Gene Wilkes, in his book Jesus on leadership said, "leadership is not something you pursue, leadership is something others give to you."

You just do what you are committed to do for Jesus and leadership will come. To many folks out there want that upfront experience without the responsibility that comes with it. We can always tell people how to do anything. But not until we are willing to come along side them, and show them they are important to us. Important enough that we are willing to do it over again, always remembering someone did it for us!

We have to be in God's will and plan not our own. In the book Jesus on leadership, Mr Wilkes puts it like this, "Christ's servants tap into God's power. Otherwise, how could they see the future and have the courage to pioneer their way into it? You see, leadership is not about us who are leaders. Leadership is sacrifice! Leadership doing what you already know and, with excitement, doing it over again so others can come to where you are!

Jesus on leadership, "If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet." John 13:14

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