Tuesday, November 10, 2015

You never Know!

You know sometimes we sit here and read all the things people are going through, and say to ourselves my life is not that bad! Our struggles are not that hard, nothing worth giving up over! I have found that I have been given you all to pray for.
It gives me strength to get through those days that seem tougher than others. Though we have all lost loved ones, we still have people who need our love. Though we may be hurting, God wants us to use that hurt to help others overcome theirs.And when we do this our hurts seem a little less.
We never know why we go through what we do, maybe because God wants us to be able to use our life's experience to help others through theirs? If we set our eyes on God the Author and finisher of our faith.
We may see that what we go through and the purpose of it, is a training to help those who may not have the strength on their own to endure! But when we don't have that strength ourselves, God puts someone there to help, that seems to be going through the same or worse, to distract us from getting stuck in our own lives!
Life is a learning experience not a punishment as some seem! Your life and mine has a purpose, we can lose that by losing focus on our situation. Or share our situation with others who need to know others are going through the same struggles or worse!
We may never see the help we can be until we get out of the funk we may be in! Our trials are important to God not just for our struggle, but for our faith building and testimony to others! It is through these trials we grow or wither!
If when we are going through the fire, we reach out and share our lives, that is when we will see victory. It may be a life that was about to end in hopelessness, won back to hope, just with you reaching out with your hope!
This hope does not disappoint as Paul wrote in Romans 5:5. We do not understand always why people go through what they do except, to help others who do not have the strength of the faith to reach out!
It also helps us to see in our own lives that we have a God who is there no matter what we are going through! He does not want us stuck in our circumstances, but focused on His purposes for our circumstances! And that is always to use them to reach others with the Hope of salvation!
There is not a person in scripture that did not struggle somehow or someway! But in all ways they saw God working in and through their lives! All they went through was used to make a difference in someone else's life!
And through their trials they would come to know Jesus! Just read the book of Acts! Hope this may be helpful to someone out there who is struggling right now. You are not alone, everyone is going through something, never hesitate to ask or share your hurts, you never know who you may be helping in doing so!

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