Wednesday, December 31, 2014

One new thing this year!

Remember, the New Year changes in-spite of us, what are we going to change realistically in 2015? Don't think of many changes, as people usually do and nothing changes for being overwhelmed! Think about that one thing, that one annoying thing that has followed you oh so long. The one thing that has held you back from being what you need to be, or do.

If it is diet work on that! If it is a job change, work on that. If you have struggled with attitude, work on that! Gratitude work on that! So many and long is the list, yet it is that one elusive thing we seem to carry over year after year! We try to change so many things, make many resolutions, followed by the disappointment of accomplishing none!

The one thing we don't want to do, is the one thing we must do! If we see the one thing change it will be the encouragement we need to take the next step! It is just like a honey do list, we get it set before us yet become overwhelmed at all that needs to be done, usually nothing does! We put off what we can because of the long list before us.

Well prioritize your list from most important to the least and chip away at it, one at a time! When the list begins to shrink your confidence will begin to grow, because you will actually see accomplishment! So what do you say New Year one new thing? Or New Year same old you because you took on more than you could handle?

Remember what is, or seems impossible to you, is possible with God! You alone can do it, but you cannot do it alone!

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

It has to start somewhere why not with you

I am not sharing this because of me, I know somewhere out there; there is someone who thinks they will never hear an I love you from mom or dad! It may start with you, if you can forgive and fall in love with them again, love will reign! I did just that, Jesus loved me out of despair and let me live again, but I had to talk to my dad whom I disliked so very much! It was hard as I lived 10 hours away and had no vacation at the time, but God had a plan and timing is all His! 

But we could talk by phone, and that is where it started, as I would hang up with him, I would say love you dad, and always got a me too from him! As some time passed I did get to sit with my dad, share my heart, my bitterness, and yet ask his forgiveness and tell him I loved him! Some people would say he should have asked for mine, but I was the one who needed to move on and if dad wanted to do anything he could! 

At that meeting he did not. But I was freed from so much bitterness and anger that day it cannot be explained except God was in control! But one glorious day, unexpected my dad made me weep, not from anger or bitterness, but from three words he would never share again. As I was getting off the phone with him I gave him my usual good bye, I love you dad. 

That is when it happened, out of no where, no rhyme or reason, he hadn't gotten saved yet, it came, three words I have not forgotten! I love you and tell the family also! I never heard it again, that does not matter, I got to hear it at least once! I have shared something similar to this before but felt led to share again I feel God wanted to too! So sometime if you want something so badly, what are you willing to sacrifice? 

Pride, anger, bitterness maybe even an abused life? Sometime to get free we need to forgive, even those who may of wronged us. A big decision yes, but also a complete freedom so worth it! God does not want you held captive by anything or anyone, He wants you free! I hope this helps someone out there, if not I needed to write it down being obedient to God! If we don't share what He has done in our lives how will people ever see His amazing love, it has to start somewhere? Be blessed all and give it to Jesus!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Free indeed?

If I gauged everyone by the color of their skin, I could not in clear conscience be a Pastor! We have to live and believe the whole word, preach the whole word, without discrimination or prejudice! If we choose to express our opinions outside the back up of scripture, then they are just that a feeling based on opinion only!

Dangerous to make rational decisions like that! If you feel oppressed come to Jesus get release! If you feel like a slave come to Jesus get freedom, if you feel beat down and held back, come to Jesus get the strength to move on! You see, Jesus did all these things for us, lived them experienced them, yet without sin!

He loved us so much He came to earth to feel what we feel yet without sin! Pastor's we cannot get caught up in preaching a social theology, we have to preach the word of God in it's fullness! Jesus did not sway from the word He is the word! the Apostles did not sway from the word they learned faith through the word!

For 2 thousand years the gospel message has been preached and has transformed lives, who are we to change that method? Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever! Get back in the word stand on it, live it breathe it, that is the only way we will change anything, one soul at a time, not one color at a time!

Acts, Romans, Hebrews The four Gospels, no where does it say separate people by color! There were two groups of people Jew and Gentiles!

Galatians 3:28 New King James Version (NKJV)

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.