Name Calling Changes Nothing, We Need To Change!
All the name calling and ugliness because of who is running for President makes me laugh! It's sad that the people who are being this way, have whined all their lives and made no changes at all! All they have done is made noise, and looked for the hand outs and the way out of serving their country in any way! Even when one of their own said "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" President John F Kennedy! A democrat! Even he did not agree with entitlement! The point is all this talk of free is not even reasonable! Do people out there not understand where this money comes from? The tax payer that's who!! The Government that is now broke because of all the misuse of our tax dollars, and you can blame the Republicans or the Democrats all you want! Truly speaking the buck stops with us and our vote! Am I an idiot and a fool because who I will vote for? No more or no less than who you may vote for! The point is this, stop whining and getting ugly, VOTE for who you feel is best for you, remembering no one person can change a thing on their own! We the people need to stand up and be counted! People who want to vote for Trump are no more or less intelligent then those who want to vote Bernie or Hillary! They want change! But change does not come through one person! Be real people we are in charge of the changes that need to be made! If we do not change our attitudes and stand up truly for what this country represents, we will not change a thing! Most on here know me I will stand on the word of God and make my difference through prayer and seeking God's guidance, that way I stay focused on what is important! Family, Jobs, the safety of this country, making it a place that is stable for our grandchildren! Sadly to say we have put more trust in man then we have in God, I don't care how you believe! When we changed toward our Creator things went down in this country! Calling people names and being ugly toward one another will not change a thing! Only in our eyes are we different, but not in God's! If we treated one another as His word challenges us to, what a difference we can make! Sad though, most people do not truly want change, they want only their needs met at the expense of others! We have to deal with the real and true problem, us! You want change? Then change something in yourself before trying to change everyone else, in reality only God can change people anyhow! Even people out there will have something ugly to say about this why? People truly do not want to hear truth and we have seen that haven’t we?